California has many thievery crimes, including petty larceny, grand larceny, burglary, shoplifting, embezzlement, and robbery. Some charges, such as robbery, can further be divided into degrees. For example, 1st-degree stealing is much more severe than 2nd-degree thievery. One of the most damaging things in thievery cases is the unshakeable stigma of being labeled a convicted burglar. Many individuals I represent are young and may have stolen something relatively minor several years prior. However, unfortunately, most employers continue to be wary of hiring an individual who has been convicted of any larceny crime. As a result, it can be challenging for that person to obtain employment or career advancement.
In all larceny cases, as is the same for all criminal cases, one of the most significant issues is restitution. Restitution requires the victim to be made whole again after the incident. For example, if the theft was proven to be worth $3,000 and that amount has not been recovered, a Court will order an individual to pay full restitution back to the alleged victim. Even if probation is completed and the person has completed all his other obligations, so long as reimbursement has not been made in full, courts will generally exclude the person from getting their theft record expunged (cleared).
For more information on the different types of larceny and stealing offenses, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (818) 740-5582 today.