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Art Cortez

Art Cortez

Director of Client Affairs

Director of Client Affairs

Art Cortez is an accomplished Director of Client Affairs with a strong track record in the legal industry, specializing in criminal defense efficiency of client attorney relationships.  His 23 years of experience in legal administration has consistently demonstrated his ability to understand clients and their individual legal needs and expectations, which improve client services and client satisfaction. He is knowledgeable, understanding and dedicated to facilitating the highest standards of legal assistance to clients and their family who are in immediate need of criminal defense representation, while ensuring the firm’s continued success through honesty and leadership in legal operational excellence. He provides clients a comprehensive oversight of all client needs while following all policies and procedures leading to satisfied clients, family and overall case management.  He has embraced the implementation of a streamlined client relationship management and active interaction by integrating a high-performance culture of service and continuous improvement through understanding and listening to client needs, ensuring a steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional service to clients.  As he puts it, “Art Cortez is in the Happy Client Business at DCD LAW!”